Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Romans 12:2 MSG

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Practice Resurrection Now

Richard Rohr, in his book Immortal Diamond, identified twelve ways for us to practice the resurrection right now. As I read each one I shouted a loud Amen! to this God of life that we are called to serve. 

1.   Refuse to identify with negative, blaming, antagonistic, or fearful thoughts (you cannot “stop” having them).
2.   Apologize when you hurt another person or situation.
3.   Undo your mistakes by some positive action toward the offended person or situation.
4.   Do not indulge or believe your false self – that which is concocted by your mind and society’s expectations. 
5.   Choose your true self – your radical union with God – as often as possible throughout the day. 
6.   Always seek to change yourself before trying to change others.
7.   Choose as much as possible to serve rather than be served.
8.   Whenever possible, seek the common good over your mere private good.
9.   Give preference to those in pain, excluded, or disabled in any way.
10. Seek just systems and policies over mere charity.
11. Make sure your medium is the same as your message.
12. Never doubt that it is all about love in the end.

May Jesus lead us to live into his resurrection hopes for the world – where lives are transformed and changed – where we experience victory even in the midst of suffering!

Pastor Chad

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