Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Romans 12:2 MSG

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lent is...

I can’t remember where I read the following…credit goes out to whoever it was in this universe that wrote these powerful words…I needed to hear them…I think we all do.
·      Lent is a 40 day season dedicated to repentance, fasting, and prayer.
·      Lent is the season of interior descent, examination, and reflection.
·      Lent is forty days because Jesus was tested for forty days in the wilderness. It takes intentional time and focus to deconstruct our denial, pretense, and posturing.
·      Lent is the season we die to our hopes, our dreams, and our agendas, to empty ourselves out that we might be filled with new life, see with new eyes, live with a whole heart, filled with God’s strength to live an abundant life.
·      Lent is the season you come clean.
·      Lent: It’s time to get real with God, to Fast, Pray, Weep, Morn…to let go and let God be God in our lives.
·      Lent is the season where we might be laid bare to God’s grace, mercy, and light. We are naked before God.
·      Lent is the church season dedicated to falling apart.
·      Lent is the time we rip our clothes, throw dust into the air, and cry, "Oy Vey." Seriously, we live in a culture of denial. We will die.
·      Lent is dying before we die, so that we might live.
·      Lent is when we lay things down, to recover those things which should never have been forgotten.
·      Lent is when we die to the spirit of this world, so we can plug into the Spirit of God.
·      Lent is the season for cleaning out the springs of our heart.
·      Lent is the season for spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical detox.
·      Lent is the season to Reboot.
·      Lent is a trust fall into the arms of God.
·      Lent is the divine interrupt you’ve been waiting for.
·      Lent is deconstructing into wholeness.
Come and be marked with the Ashen cross on your forehead on Wednesday night. Come be the dust you were created to be. Come dive into Lent and receive a New and Right Spirit!
Pastor Chad

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