Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Romans 12:2 MSG

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Raise a Hallelujah

The write and pastor Eugene Peterson once wrote:

“The moment we say no to the world and yes to God, all of our problems are solved, all our questions answered, all our troubles over.  Nothing can disturb the tranquility of the soul at peace with God.  Nothing can interfere with the blessed assurance that all is well between me and my Savior.  Nothing and no one can upset the enjoyable relationship that has been established by faith in Jesus.  We Christians are among that privileged company of persons who don’t have accidents, who don’t have arguments with our spouses, who aren’t misunderstood by our peers, whose children do not disobey us.  If any of those things should happen – a crushing doubt, a squall of anger, a desperate loneliness, an accident that puts us in the hospital, an argument that puts in the doghouse, a rebellion that puts us on the defensive, a misunderstanding that puts us in the wrong – it is a sign that something is wrong with our relationship with God.  We have, consciously or unconsciously, retracted our yes to God; and God, impatient with our fickle faith, has gone off to take care of someone more deserving of his attention.”
Is that what you believe?  If it is, I have some incredibly good news for you.  You are wrong. 
To be told we are wrong is sometimes embarrassing and humiliating.  We want to run and hide our heads in shame.  But there are times when being wrong is a sudden and immediate relief.  We can lift our heads with hope.  No longer do we have to keep doggedly trying to do something that isn’t working.

In the midst of being wrong…..misunderstanding God…..losing our way…..we can Raise A Hallelujah! 
Raise A Hallelujah in the presence of our enemies.
Raise A Hallelujah that is louder than our unbelief.
Raise A Hallelujah in pain and suffering.
Raise A Hallelujah with everything inside of me.
Raise A Hallelujah until darkness flees.
Raise A Hallelujah in the middle of the mystery.

Forever thankful for God’s grace.

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