Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Romans 12:2 MSG

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“End of Construction - Thank you for your patience.”  (4-12-17)

- Ruth Bell Graham’s tombstone etching.

Indeed, God will never be done with us in this world until our final breath has been exhaled.  We will always be under construction.  God’s church will always be in need of spiritual transformation.  Our world will always be in need of renewal.  Our God is in the midst of, and leading us, through the construction.  

The challenges of this world are great.  At this moment in time world leaders are wrestling with what to do in regards to chemical attacks and build ups of nuclear arsenals.  Others are leading the charge over what to do in regards to the epidemic of mass starvation throughout Africa.  Medical professionals and research scientists are working hard to find new pathways for health and healing in the myriad of medical problems we face.  Innocent children are in fear of their lives over the border violence and civil war clashes in Sudan and Syria.  Refugees languish for years in camps waiting for a breakthrough of new life.  Grassroots teams of local leaders in Austin are working together to tackle the problems of rampant drug use.  These stories are ones that make headlines and yet the stories of challenge and hardship are countless.  What are we to do as individuals?  What are we to give our lives to as community?  How then shall we live?

This week we are reminded through the story of Scripture that we are called to be an empty tomb people.  We do not live as a people that say, “He has been raised,” but rather, “He IS Risen!”  We do not live as though death, suffering, and pain will have the last word but rather that God’s life and love will win.  We are called to bring resurrection life into the now.  We are called to bring grace, hope, and mercy into every intersection of life.  We do not throw our hands up in despair but dig deeper into the rich soil of new life that God promises as we take on these challenges together.  He IS Risen and he lives in each of us.  

Where do you most want to experience resurrection in this world….in this community….in your life?  Remember, God is always at work.  That work is being accomplished in and through you!

Yes, pardon our dust, we are under construction as we bring new life to the world.

Peace and Hope,

Pastor Chad

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